Focused on promoting decent work, empowering women and inclusive economic growth, the programme has grown to include about 450 participating factories. Working with 48 brands and retailers, Better Work Bangladesh impacts around 1.3 million workers, 50 per cent of whom are women.
In its first phase (2014 – 2017), the programme contributed to the work of the ILO to assist the Government of Bangladesh to better align the country’s labour laws with international labour standards and best practices. This was a period marked by labour law amendments and improvements in union registration criteria adhering to the ILO’s fundamental constitutions on Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining. In Phase II (2018 – 2022), the programme expanded its operations from Dhaka to the port city of Chittagong. To respond to evolving industry needs, the programme adopted an agile service model and initiated several special initiatives, such as the Gender Equality and Returns (GEAR) programme, maternity health and protection initiatives and the Factory Ambassador Programme (FAP).
By 2027, employers and workers and their representatives in the Better Work programme uphold and are protected by national labour laws and fundamental principles and rights at work; and enterprises in the sector that have emerged from the COVID-19 crisis are more sustainable, resilient and inclusive.
By 2027, Better Work’s impact on workers, businesses and compliance is sustained by national institutions that leverage the programme’s approaches, data and evidence.
By 2027, enterprises that participate in Better Work have adopted policies and practices on responsible business conduct that support the realization of decent work.
By 2027, Better Work’s learnings and methods have created positive social and environmental impacts beyond the programme as they are adopted in other sectors.
“He calls me madam at work so that my male subordinates would respect me,” Mosammat Sharifunnahar Shilpi quipped about her husband, Shahjahan Ali. Shilpi is in charge of the Cutting Section at Alim Knit BD, a ready-made garment (RMG) factory located in the industrial district of Gazipur in central Bangladesh. Her husband, Shahjahan Ali works …
Better Work Bangladesh will contribute to the following priority themes set forth in the global Better Work strategy. These themes crosscut the strategic goals and will be present in our factory engagement, research, policy influencing and content produced as well as affect how we allocate our human and financial resources.
Under the Japan-funded Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) programme on responsible business conduct, capacity development and awareness-raising initiatives will be implemented for government officials, business and trade bodies. Employers’ associations and workers’ organizations will be trained on productivity skills at the enterprise level.
As an industry convener, Better Work Bangladesh plays the pivotal role of being a knowledge broker. In line with the digitalization of service delivery, the collection and dissemination of data and evidence between Better Work, ILO and IFC, and national constituents will be bolstered, which will include Better Work sources and others in areas such as compliance, environment and gender.
Better Work Bangladesh will deepen and expand its partnerships, including with the IFC on cleaner production, energy efficiency and chemical waste management. We will also work with relevant technical units of the ILO and partners to support enterprises to address the negative impacts of the apparel industry on the environment and on the surrounding communities.
Better Work Bangladesh will work to reduce discrimination on the factory floor, address the gender pay gap, skills gap and digitization of wages, and support women’s representation in leadership roles in trade unions, factories, employer organizations and the public sector.
Better Work Bangladesh will continue to promote safer workplaces through the safety committee as part of OSH management systems. The collaboration with RMG Sustainability Council and other industry actors will improve the effectiveness and efficiency of resources used for the capacity-building programmes on OSH and Industrial Safety.
Better Work Bangladesh will work in conjunction with other ILO technical units to promote strong social dialogue. Both employer and worker organizations will be supported in strengthening freedom of association and collective bargaining and enabling social dialogue in the workplace.
In collaboration with the ILO, GIZ, and tripartite constituents, a number of Better Work Bangladesh buyer partners have opted for a trial of the Employment Injury Insurance (EII) scheme in their respective supply chains. The trial will look to reinforce the EII scheme in line with ILO Convention 121, spearhead research on employment-related injuries, and raise awareness about the benefits of EII.
Better Work Bangladesh will leverage in-depth data pertaining to wage payments to inform and support national constituents in establishing fair and equitable wage setting mechanisms, culminating in adequate minimum wages and potentially, higher productivity.