Better Work


Better Work Haiti was established in June 2009 and covers all garment factories and a plastic manufacturing factory in Haiti exporting to the US market. The garment industry is one of the largest employers in Haiti covering around 90% of the total exports.

Brands and Retailers






Better Work Haiti fosters increased social dialogue within participating factories through established bipartite committees (86% of factories in 2022).

More than 65% of Haiti’s garment workers are women under 30 who support, on average, three to five family members financially.

Despite the challenging operational context, garment exports to the US market increased by 15% by August 2022 compared with the period ending August 2021.

Better Work Haiti

Better Work Haiti was established in June 2009 as a condition of the Haitian Hemispheric Opportunity through Partnership Encouragement Act of 2008 (HOPE II).

HOPE II is a U.S. law that affords preferential treatment in the form of duty-free access for imports of apparel and certain other goods from Haiti into the United States. This legislation aims to promote progress towards a market-based economy, increasing employment, enhancing the rule of law, eliminating barriers to U.S. trade, combating corruption and protecting internationally recognized human and worker rights. For a producer to remain eligible for this preferential treatment, it must comply with “core labour standards” and with the labour laws of Haiti that directly relate to and are consistent with the core labour standards.

In its fourteen years of operations, the programme has made important strides in improving working conditions and industrial relations in Haiti’s garment industry despite the complex operational context. 


Strategic Goals

Better Work Haiti’s 2022-2027 strategic phase will work to achieve the following outcomes:

By 2027, compliance with national labour law and international labour standards is sustained in the Haitian garment sector.

By 2027, the Haitian garment sector addresses labour-related issues in line with national labour law and international labour standards

Outcome 3. By 2027, government policies and institutions support the promotion of decent work

Latest news

Featured 4 Oct 2024

Battling the odds: The Haitian garment industry’s struggle and resilience

The latest Better Work Haiti Synthesis Report (October 2023 – June 2024) offers a sobering snapshot of the industry’s struggles while highlighting the tenacity of Better Work and industry stakeholders’ responses.  PORT-AU-PRINCE – Haiti’s garment sector is in a precarious state, affected by the country’s social and political instability. Throughout 2023 and the first half …

Contribution to Priority Themes

Better Work Haiti’s activities contribute to the priority themes set out in the Better Work Global strategy. These themes crosscut the strategic goals and will be present in our factory engagement, research, policy influencing and content produced as well as affect how we allocate our human and financial resources.

Productivity and Business Performance

Business Performance

Better Work Haiti will engage with employers and brands to promote sustainable and good purchasing practices. Better Work Haiti will continue collaboration with the Creating Investment Opportunities (CIO) project to cope with local crises and create conditions for investments in the garment sector and create a unique value proposition focused on offshoring, agility, and productivity.

Data and Evidence

Data and evidence

Better Work Haiti will engage with the Government on the use of digital technologies to collect structured, centralized data to boost research and the potential of the Haitian garment sector in the global supply chain. By focusing on strengthening and expanding data collection, analysis and dissemination, Better Work Haiti will seek to influence decision-making for the garment sector. 


Gender equality and inclusion

Better Work Haiti will partner with constituents and others to raise awareness about ILO Violence and Harassment Convention No. 190 to eliminate violence and harassment at work as well as foster women’s economic empowerment. In line with the Better Work Global strategy, Better Work Haiti will work to educate and raise awareness on gender-sensitive topics to support female workers’ voice, representation and leadership.

Occupational Safety and Health

Occupational safety and health (OSH)

In collaboration with other ILO specialists, Better Work Haiti will engage with constituents to build an OSH culture by establishing OSH policies and sustainable OSH systems to support compliance and improvements. The programme will use data to identify challenges and progress in OSH compliance and support factories to strengthen their OSH capacity and management systems.

Social Dialogue

Social dialogue

Through advisory and training services, the programme will ensure that the factory-based bipartite committees have increased technical skills to foster solution-oriented dialogue on recurring labour compliance issues in participating factories. Better Work Haiti will also facilitate constructive, sectoral-level dialogue among constituents and other national actors.

Social Protection

Social protection

Support workshops to disseminate the National Protection and Social Promotion Policy (PNPPS) as well as the formation and maintenance of sectoral social protection tables and drafting of territorial social protection plans in the North and Northeast. Better Work Haiti will also support enterprises and unions federation knowledge and capacity to apply the PNPPS.



Better Work Haiti will continue to collect and share in-depth data on wages and other benefits to support compliance with related labour laws as well as to support constituents to pilot a transition to digital wages.

Key partners and donors



Ministry of Social Affairs and Labor (MAST) Office of the Labor Ombudsman (BMST) National Insurance and Pensions Office (ONA) Office for Employment Injury, Illness and Maternity (OFTMA) Ministry of Commerce and Industry (MCI) Ministry of Economic and Finance (MEF) Office of the State Secretary for the Integration of People with Disabilities (BSEIPH)


Association of Haitian Industries (ADIH) (36 participating factories) Private Sector Economic Forum (PSEF)


11 trade unions
Brands and retailers

Brands and retailers

44 brand and retailer partners

Development partner

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