Nicaragua – Training of Trainers in SST


2 sessions of 8 Hrs each


25 people, (Supervisors, middle managers and / or production managers) who have already received the training in “Supervision Skills”

Objective: That the participants develop skills and apply methodological tools in knowledge sharing, content management and educational facilitation techniques, in the subject of training “Supervision Skills” taught by Better Work.

Methodology: Theoretical – Practical, participants refresh the theoretical knowledge and tools acquired during the training in “Supervision Skills”. With the various techniques, (exposure, role play, facilitation and various exercises) they manage to put into practice the knowledge through “learning by doing”, which allows them to develop a dynamic learning process that participants can put in practice in the performance of their role as trainer and will allow them to evaluate the result of training.


Day 1: The role of the Trainer

♦  The participants explore different experiences on modern learning techniques.

♦  Participants develop a basic understanding of the participatory training methodology approach.

♦  The participants identify the roles of the trainers in participatory training.
Day 2: Applying the training process

♦  The participants identify the roles of the trainers in participatory training.

♦  The participants know the steps of the training process – (Preparation, execution and evaluation)

♦  Participants put into practice and know how to effectively use various training techniques.

♦  Participants develop basic participatory training skills

♦  Participants develop different methods to evaluate the result of the training.

Event date :
Sep 18, 2019
0:00 am - 0:00 am
FactoriesNicaragua Training

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