Hari pertama program ini hanya diperuntukkan bagi mitra pembeli dan para peserta akan mendiskusikan isu-isu terkini yang mempengaruhi sektor ini seperti kebangkrutan, reformasi hukum ketenagakerjaan dan penggunaan pekerja kontrak. Selain itu, para mitra akan memiliki kesempatan untuk berinteraksi dengan konstituen BetterWork Indonesia (pemerintah, serikat pekerja dan APINDO) serta belajar dari ...
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] One day training – 22 March Controlling Risks of Working With Hazardous Substances Hazardous substances that pose a risk to workers’ health and safety can be found in many workplaces. Workers handle those substances as part of their job on a daily basis. In order to keep them healthy it is important to understand the risks; to know …
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] One day training – 22 March Controlling Risks of Working With Hazardous Substances Hazardous substances that pose a risk to workers’ health and safety can be found in many workplaces. Workers handle those substances as part of their job on a daily basis. In order to keep them healthy it is important to understand the risks; to know …