Better Work


Better Work launched a pilot intervention in Madagascar in 2021 via an innovative, flexible and scalable approach focusing simultaneously on the enterprise, sectoral and institutional levels in partnership with Government, workers and employers and industry stakeholders. There is great opportunity for positive impact in Madagascar; the garment sector is the second-largest formal employer in the country.

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Better Work Madagascar is a recognized convener of all national stakeholders around the need for a sustainable industrialisation that accounts for social and labour rights

Madagascar’s main export markets are the European Union (mainly France and Germany), the United States, the United Kingdom and South Africa with whom it has preferential trade agreements

Better Work Madagascar

Madagascar is one of the top apparel exporters in Sub-Saharan Africa. The sector accounts for about 20% of the GDP and is the country’s largest formal employer after the agriculture industry, with over 150,000 workers.

Garment is a strategic sector in the country’s ambitions towards sustainable industrialisation and the creation of decent work for all, as outlined in the ‘Plan Emergence Madagascar’. The garment sector is known for its comparatively skilled workforce and higher value-added production catering to both traditional and non-traditional markets. The sector is however faced with skills shortages and fragile competitiveness, as well as some remaining non-compliance gaps along the supply chain.

Working in partnership with tripartite constituents – Government, workers and employers – and industry stakeholders, Better Work launched a two-year pilot intervention in Madagascar in 2021 via an innovative, flexible and scalable approach focusing simultaneously on the enterprise, sectoral and institutional levels. In a world where responsible business conduct and due diligence are increasingly key to ensuring a competitive advantage, the programme’s goal is to promote the governance and competitiveness of Malagasy supply chains, including through compliance with international labour standards. Better Work does not offer its traditional factory engagement package in Madagascar. 


Our Strategic Goals

Better Work Madagascar has structured its work around the following pillars:

Creating a better workplace environment in factories through targeted services

Promoting effective governance of the labour market through strengthening of national institutions

Creating an enabling environment for a just and sustainable garment sector and beyond

Latest news

Featured 2 Jun 2023

Better Work launches intervention to empower women in the garment industry in Madagascar

ANTANANARIVO, Madagascar – A pilot implemented by Better Work Madagascar aims to improve women’s managerial capacity, including leadership and supervisory skills, to increase their participation in leadership positions in the country’s garment industry. The intervention was launched in the country on April 5. A total of 25 female managers and supervisors from five Better Work partner …

Contribution to Priority Themes

The objective of Better Work Madagascar is to promote a sustainable and competitive garment sector that provides decent jobs, contributes to inclusive growth, and guarantees fundamental rights for workers and employers in Madagascar. As such, the Global Priority Themes are embedded in our national workplan and adapted to suit national priorities and context

Productivity and Business Performance

Productivity and Business Performance

In collaboration with the FMFP (Fonds malagasy de formation professionnelle), Better Work uses a Training of trainers (ToT) approach to equip private sector trainers and consultants with a better understanding of labour standards and training methodologies. Better Work also focuses on skills and employability to respond to labour market demand and changes in the supply chain including technical and managerial skills.

Data and Evidence

Data and Evidence

Better Work Madagascar has been involved in several studies to obtain actionable data on working conditions and decent work deficits in the garment sector. Research activities focus on identifying priority entry points for interventions, the preliminary impact of the pilot programme as well as likely pathways for future orientations to ensure positive effects of the programme at factory and institutional level.


Environmental Sustainability

The programme will promote a just transition agenda in the garment sector, including through social dialogue and skills anticipation, in partnership with relevant international and national partners on environmental sustainability, resource efficiency and circularity in industrialisation processes.

Gender Equality and Inclusion

Gender Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

On-going focus is on reducing discrimination and preventing violence and harassment at the workplace, including sexual harassment, through advisory and training of factories and constituents, 

Better Work Madagascar, working jointly with IFC, is also launching the GEAR programme to promote women’s career progression opportunities in Malagasy garment factories.

Social Dialogue

Social Dialogue

Better Work Madagascar has deployed a series of training and ToT resources on social dialogue for factories and constituents in the garment industry and beyond. Working closely with the ILO Country Office and various ILO technical departments and projects, Better Work Madagascar advocates for and supports the capacity building of constituents for harmonious and effective institutional, sectoral and enterprise-level social dialogue.

Key partners and donors



Ministry of Industrialisation, Trade and Consumer Affairs Ministry of Labour, Employment, Public Service and Social Laws Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ministry of Technical Education and Vocational Training Economic Development Board of Madagascar


Groupement des Entreprises Franches et Partenaires (GEFP)


Confédération des Travailleurs Malagasy (CTM) and affiliates
Brands and retailers

Business Community

11 brand and retail partners

Reports and Publications

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