3 sessions of 8 Hrs each
25 people. General managers, middle managers, production managers, HR managers, line managers and any officer who has direct responsibilities in the management structure of the company.
Objectives: Sensitize the participants, (senior management) about the importance and impact in business, of the prevention of all types of harassment and labor and sexual abuse in the workplace.
Facilitate a guide or reference to employers, workers and those responsible for providing employment, about the prevention and effective response of all forms of harassment and labor and sexual abuse, as well as providing them with tools to develop and implement a strategy of ” Prevention of workplace and sexual harassment and abuse in the workplace ”
Methodology: Theoretical – Practical. The transmission of theoretical knowledge is based on the provisions of national legislation and international standards (ILO conventions, Human Rights, etc.). The practical part is based on the exchange of experience of the participants guided methodologically by the trainer, using the tools acquired during the training in order to identify possible solutions to cases of possible harassment or abuse both work and sexual in the workplace.
Day 1: Impact, definitions and forms of harassment and labor and sexual abuse
♦ Impact of Sexual Harassment in the Business
♦ Objectives and Definitions
♦ Different forms of Harassment and Labor and Sexual Abuse
Day 2: Legal framework (national and international standards, ILO conventions on the prevention of harassment and labor and sexual abuse
♦ Legal Framework
♦ Prevention of Sexual Harassment
♦ Mechanisms to respond to Sexual Harassment
♦ Policy Statement
♦ Complaint Procedures
♦ Monitoring and Evaluation
Day 3: Sensitization, sustainable prevention plan and evaluation tools
♦ Developing a comprehensive program of awareness and training at all levels of the company.
♦ Building a sustainable prevention plan
♦ Implementation of measures and development of evaluation tools.