News and Events

16 Jul 2024

The Factory Ambassador programme: empowering workers in Viet Nam’s garment industry

An innovative programme is allowing Better Work to build capability and promote sustainable compliance in the country’s garment factories. Phan Thi Trang works in compliance at the Minh Anh-Kim Lien factory. Her job regularly requires her to deliver training to her fellow workers. In the past, she has struggled with her communication skills. “Before, I …

29 Jan 2024

Promoting change: Better Work Viet Nam takes on sexual harassment and gender-based violence through targeted initiatives

Sexual harassment and gender-based violence (GBV) are pressing issues in the worldwide garment industry, which were likely further exacerbated during the COVID-19 pandemic as individuals grappled with heightened economic and social difficulties.

19 Jul 2023

Greening Viet Nam’s textile and garment sector: a high stakes challenge 

Viet Nam’s rapid economic growth and industrialization over the last 30 years has resulted in some of the fastest-growing greenhouse gas emission (GHG) rates in the world. The country now pivots for a greener future.


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