The rise of virtual learning during the Covid-19 pandemic

18 May 2020

Dhaka-18 May 2020

COVID-19 has been a catalyst for learning trends around the world, potentially transforming the classroom forever. At Better Work Bangladesh (BWB), the current situation has accelerated our adoption of technology and virtual learning. Through these means our dedicated team continue to carry out advisory and training services virtually, adapting the approach and content to ensure a participative approach that is tailored to supporting factories and workers on crucial health and safety, legal and industrial relations issues. Interventions have strived to optimise the learning experience for participants, focusing on active engagement and learning.

There have been both challenges and benefits to this approach. We are seeing – during advisory and training – positive and active engagement from participants, for many of them they are using computer skills for the first time, and it’s motivating for people to see how they can expand their capabilities. Generally we are seeing a mind-set shift around people’s perception of technology and the benefits it can bring to their lives, hopefully this will be carried forward after the pandemic.

As well as establishing creative, user friendly and relevant content and methodologies, ensuring physical distancing in the classroom and other relevant hygiene considerations is critical. This involves constant awareness and monitoring from both the advisors, trainers and participants. Another ongoing challenge in reaching workers in Bangladesh is a lack of reliable internet access. In efforts to counter this, BWB has taken the following measures;

  • Coaching BWB’s alumni of master trainers and GEAR participants to use their worker networks to further disseminate important information on COVID-19.
  • Partnership with Quizrr to support factories and workers during this difficult time. Free courses are available on Quizrr’s digital training platform to help employers raise awareness and take action on COVID-19 in the workplace.
  • Launched an open source resource page with guidelines, training materials and facilitator’s guide on important Covid-19 related information.

We will continue to use and expand on our virtual approach throughout and even after the pandemic when we are visiting factories and carrying out in person classroom based training – in this way BWB can continue to accelerate learning, scale our approach and reach more factories and workers.

Further information on BWB’s resources and latest updates on the programme can be found on our COVID-19 Resource Hub.

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