Noticias y eventos

30 Oct 2024

Better Work Viet Nam marks 15 years of innovation and progress

As Better Work Viet Nam reflects on a legacy of collaboration with social partners in the garment industry, we consider key milestones and look to the future. In 2009, Viet Nam was emerging as a key player in the global garment industry, with the sector contributing significantly to the country’s economic growth and providing jobs …

16 Jul 2024

The Factory Ambassador programme: Empowering workers in Viet Nam’s garment industry

An innovative programme is allowing Better Work to build capability and promote sustainable compliance in the country’s garment factories. Phan Thi Trang works in compliance at the Minh Anh-Kim Lien factory. Her job regularly requires her to deliver training to her fellow workers. In the past, she has struggled with her communication skills. “Before, I …

29 de enero de 2024

Promover el cambio: Better Work Vietnam lucha contra el acoso sexual y la violencia de género mediante iniciativas específicas.

El acoso sexual y la violencia de género son problemas acuciantes en la industria mundial de la confección, que probablemente se agravaron aún más durante la pandemia de COVID-19, al enfrentarse las personas a mayores dificultades económicas y sociales.



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