Noticias y eventos

5 Dec 2024

Better Work Celebrates 15 Years in Viet Nam

Better Work marked 15 years of operations and impact in Viet Nam with a ceremony held in Hanoi on 4 December 2024. The event was attended by nearly 60 delegates, including senior leaders from the programme’s tripartite partner organizations – the Ministry of Labour, Invalids, and Social Affairs (MoLISA), the Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and …

28 Nov 2024

Lessons from a high-performance factory in Viet Nam

This year, Better Work marks 15 years of operations in Viet Nam. The Poong In Vina factory has been with the programme almost from day one. The Poong In Vina Co., Ltd., located in the Binh Duong province, is one of 34 of the approximately 500 factories enrolled with Better Work Viet Nam recognized as …

5 de noviembre de 2024

Better Work Viet Nam celebra 15 años de innovación y progreso

Mientras Better Work Vietnam reflexiona sobre el legado de colaboración con los interlocutores sociales de la industria de la confección, consideramos los hitos clave y miramos hacia el futuro. En 2009, Viet Nam estaba emergiendo como un actor clave en la industria mundial de la confección, con el sector contribuyendo significativamente al crecimiento económico del país y proporcionando puestos de trabajo...



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