Improving the garment industry through supervisors

26 Sep 2016

Learn about Better Work’s Supervisory Skills Training on a special microsite

26 September 2016

The Supervisory Skills Training was first developed in 2005. The last two years more than 5,850 supervisors across seven garment manufacturing countries have taken part in this interactive, three-day training. Through hands-on exercises, group discussion and individual reflection, the session provides knowledge of worker rights, supervisor responsibilities and professionalism in the workplace. Participants also develop skills in effective listening, communication, time management and work allocation.

Tufts University’s independent assessment on the Better Work programme has discovered that the Supervisory Skills Training has brought considerable improvements to workers, supervisors, managers and businesses. Not only do well-prepared supervisors create a better working environment as they also drive productivity and profitability. Tufts studies determined that, when female supervisors take this training, productivity increases 22%.

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