Better Work Jordan launches new guidelines to foster inclusive employment in the garment sector

13 Jun 2024

AMMAN, Jordan — In an effort to implement newly developed employment guidelines for workers with disabilities in Jordan’s garment sector, Better Work Jordan, in partnership with the Phenix Center for Economics and Informatics Studies, conducted a Training of Trainers (TOT) session on May 21st and 22nd. The TOT sought to equip human resources and compliance personnel at the factory level with the necessary tools to advocate for and implement these comprehensive changes, aimed at enhancing employment opportunities and promoting inclusivity for workers with disabilities in the garment sector.

Created by Better Work Jordan in collaboration with its social partners, the “Guidelines for Enhancing the Employment of People with Disabilities in the Jordanian Garment Sector,” have been endorsed by the Jordan Garments, Accessories, and Textiles Exporters’ Association (JGATE) and the General Trade Union of Workers in Textile, Garment, and Clothing Industries (JTGCU). The guidelines highlight the benefits of integrating persons with disabilities into the workforce.

The guidelines address the unique challenges faced by workers with disabilities in this vital economic sector, where 75 per cent of the workforce are migrants, and the workforce is predominantly female. The guidelines are based on a comprehensive review of past studies and augmented by insights from employees with disabilities, obtained through interviews and focus group discussions. They explore how disabilities intersect with other forms of discrimination, such as gender and migration status, potentially exacerbating workplace challenges.

Key strategic measures outlined in the guidelines include architectural modifications to ensure physical accessibility in work environments, equitable recruitment practices that prevent discrimination, and customized workplace accommodations tailored to meet the varied needs of employees with disabilities.

The guidelines highlight the importance of integrating persons with disabilities into the workforce.  Not only is it key to employ people of different abilities, data shows improved productivity and compliance with legal standards in fully integrated workplaces.

As the garment sector continues to evolve, these inclusive practices are expected to make a significant contribution to the industry’s sustainability and ethical standards.

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