Better Work Ethiopia Annual Report 2023: Overview of progress and challenges

24 Jul 2023

Better Work Ethiopia Annual Report 2023 highlights a year of resilience and progress in Ethiopia’s apparel industry, despite formidable challenges.

In 2022, Better Work conducted 33 regular unannounced factory assessments to check the factory’s performance in meeting national and international labour standards. The assessments revealed several non-compliance issues and helped address them.

The impact of Better Work has been significant in improving workers’ rights, improving management systems, influencing labour policy, and improving women’s empowerment and voice.

Seventeen out of 20 factories that have been with Better Work for over three to four cycles demonstrated a consistent decrease in non-compliance percentages over time.

Better Work Ethiopia, SCORE, Vision Zero Fund, LABADMIN, and INWORK are operating in Ethiopia as one Programme to address the challenges in advancing decent work. Gender considerations are mainstreamed across these components to deliver effective and needs-based services.

Notable efforts were undertaken to ensure gender equality within the industry. Major strides included the elimination of gender bias in job vacancy announcements and the inclusion of women in critical organizational committees such as those addressing sexual harassment and grievances.

However, the report also revealed areas demanding immediate attention, especially concerning factories’ fulfilment of OSH legal obligations. While some factories have begun conducting risk assessments, and Better Work Ethiopia’s interventions have improved certain OSH management practices, the report emphasizes the pressing need for further advancements, particularly in fire safety and the provision of health services.

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