
Factory enterprises are key partners in our efforts to create better conditions for garment workers in a way that also boosts business performance. Our evidence shows that effective cooperation and mutual trust between employers and their workers not only leads to better working conditions but also better results for business.

Thousands of factories across the world have already decided to follow the path toward sustainable improvement by joining the Better Work programme. Our comprehensive factory engagement model has been designed to assist factories to identify and solve challenges while bolstering business competitiveness. At the sectoral and national levels, we work closely with ILO specialists in order to advance the work of national apparel employer federations and continue to build their technical expertise and representational mandate.

The majority of factories in Better Work are owned by foreign investors and manufacturing conglomerates from South Korea, Taiwan and Hong Kong. We also work with the headquarters of these companies to develop strategies, share best practices and strengthen the implementation of change interventions at the site level. We frequently organize industry seminars on how to design and implement social dialogue and effective management systems.

Firms enrolled in Better Work gain in revenue and profitability, both through higher export volumes and higher prices, as well as increased worker productivity. Our research shows that improving working conditions should be seen as an investment, not a cost. Workers in factories who enjoy a clean, safe and equitable working environment are also more motivated, loyal, and less likely to leave their jobs—all of which can improve business performance.

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