Better Work Haiti: Newsletter Updates June 2024

30 May 2024

Throughout the first quarter of 2024, Haiti faced new forms of crisis affecting all lives and the country socio-economically.

After substantial common efforts for business and operations recovery from COVID-19, the garment industry again demonstrated resilience to mitigate the challenges brought by the complex local context. The national security crisis is affecting the garment sector significantly, and the preliminary data indicate a profound impact on the labour market, the livelihoods, and the well-being of workers with predictions of worsening conditions if gang unrest continues or intensifies. The industry has been under duress, as factories have closed due to instability, resulting in job loss and decreased exports. Yet, Haiti’s garment industry continues to demonstrate resilience and adaptability amid these challenges and business uncertainties, and demonstrating ethical labour practices during business disruptions.

Better Work Haiti remains committed to enhancing the industry’s sustainability and resilience. This includes collaborating with national stakeholders and partners, aiming to bolster their capacity, advancing industry achievements, and ensuring long-term sustainability.

In this Issue:

  • Industry updates
  • Better Work Haiti services updates
  • A sectoral improvement plan reaffirms tripartite engagement
  • Empowering Compliance: labour law training for factory managers
  • Compliance trends unfold a complex OSH culture in garment factories
  • Compliance trends indicate the necessity of reinforcing ownership to maintain improvements
  • Empowering Compliance: labour law training for factory managers
  • New gender-based policy model promotes workplace equality and safety
  • Enhancing Capacity and Advocacy: A special collaboration to tackle human trafficking, forced labour, and workplace violence
  • Forecasts 2024: Key lessons learned

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