Better Work Haiti: 15th Biannual Compliance Synthesis Report

31 Oct 2017

Better Work Haiti released its 15th Synthesis Report under Haitian Hemispheric Opportunity through Partnership Encouragement (HOPE) II Legislation, providing transparent information for all programme stakeholders regarding working conditions in the factories participating in the programme.

In 2016, total export revenues from the textile and garment industry in Haiti accounted for approximately 90 per cent of national export earnings and 10 per cent of national GDP.

The apparel industry is also among the largest employers within Haiti, creating jobs for approximately 46,000 people according to data from September 2017 from the employers association ADIH. The workforce in this industry therefore saw a growth of roughly 15 per cent since January 2017, when this figure stood at 40,000 (where it had been since mid-2015).

Among different improvements made to date, highlights include the fact that all exporting factories registered with Better Work Haiti now adhere to legal regulations on minimum wages. Many of these positive changes are lead by the Performance Improvement Consultative Committees (PICCs), which emphasize the key components of effective social dialogue and mature industrial relations in at least 75 per cent of the factories.

Download the full report to find out more.

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