The year 2024 has been challenging for the Jordanian garment industry. Since the previous year, the sector has struggled with high production costs due to rising prices of raw materials. The outbreak of the regional conflicts and the disruption in supply chains – particularly those in the Red Sea region – further intensified this challenge, leading to longer delivery times and higher shipping costs.
The ongoing conflicts have also brought many uncertainties to the industry. On the ground, factories have reported workforce reduction and even closure, primarily because of fluctuating orders from buyers. During 2024, one of the largest garment factories shut down due to economic faltering, leaving nearly one thousand workers of different nationalities without wages or financial compensations for several months. The situation was eventually resolved through collective efforts of stakeholder both inside and outside of Jordan. This case is not unique; as the conflicts continue, several factories continue to face similar challenges. Although a few factories have seen workforce expansion, these developments highlight the vulnerability of the industry during turbulent times.
Better Work has observed that its reduced direct engagement within factories has coincided with an increase in reports of deteriorating workplace conditions. Serious concerns such as forced labour, sexual harassment, and verbal abuse have gained renewed attention, including through international media coverage. On 1 April 2024, a British journalist published a report detailing alleged labour violations at one Jordanian garment factory, following a suicide of a Bangladeshi worker in November 2023. The report suggested that verbal abuse in the workplace may have contributed to the tragic incident.
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