Vietnam – Introduction to 5S

Introduction to 5S

This essential 5S training course is designed to provide an introduction to the 5S methodology (Sustain, Sort, Straighten, Shine, and Standardize) for workplace organization, and show how it can be applied in garment and footwear factories as a means to cut waste, enhance operational effectiveness, and improve the working environment.

Moreover, this course will give learners the knowledge and tools they need to start applying 5S in their factory, with a focus on the key systems and processes required.

Target Participants are Production managers/staff, Quality control managers/staff, General managers, Maintenance teams, PICC members (management and worker side)

Duration 1 day

Download our 2019 “Introduction to 5S” Course Outline

Event date :
Aug 30, 2019
8:30 am - 16:30 pm
FactoriesVietnam Training

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