1 session of 4 Hrs
25 people (Supervisors, middle managers and / or production managers, who have direct responsibilities at any fundamental stage of the process or the production or service chain)
Goals: Provide guidelines that help differentiate between work accidents and common accidents.
Offer a methodology to identify the causes of work accidents and propose actions for not repeating them.
To make the participants aware of the importance of the Research process and taking actions.
Methodology: Theoretical – Practical, the knowledge and experience of the exhibitors in the training of supervisors and middle managers of textile manufacturing factories in various countries, and the combination of teaching videos and practical exercises will allow to develop a dynamic learning process that the participants they can put into practice in the performance of their function.
♦ Legal framework (national legislation)
♦ Concept and definitions
♦ Types of work accidents
♦ Obligations of the employer and the worker
♦ Importance of the Investigation of Work Accidents
♦ Monitoring and tracking system