Freedom Of Association Training

This training aims to equip factory level management, supervisors and trade union representatives with techniques to design a policy on Freedom of Association at factory level that clearly defines roles and responsibilities of all stakeholders. This modular training module is good for management/ supervisors/ trade union leaders who want to gain knowledge and practice.

A the end of this training, the participant will learn about :

  • How and why Freedom of Association safeguards the quality of social dialogue and sound Industrial
  • How to design a Freedom of Association policy at the company level, including the roles and responsibilities of all involved.
  • The role of Freedom of Association in safeguarding social dialogue and sound Industrial relations at the company level.
  • Understand the basic techniques to design a company level Freedom of Association policy, indicating the roles and responsibilities of all.
Event date :
Nov 5, 2018
8:00 am - 15:30 pm
AudienceFactoriesHaiti Training

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