FAQ on Public Reporting

23 Nov 2016

A partnership between the International Labour Organization (ILO) and the International Finance Corporation (IFC), Better Work Jordan was launched in February 2008. Its goal is to reduce poverty in Jordan by expanding decent work opportunities in the apparel sector. The programme also aims to improve the competitiveness of the industry by improving compliance with Jordanian labour law and the ILO’s core labour standards and by enhancing economic performance at the enterprise level.

In line with Better Work’s global strategy to promote greater public transparency on labour standards compliance, Better Work Jordan data is being published on the Better Work Transparency Portal. The Transparency Portal makes key findings from Better Work assessments public, revealing which factories have been found ‘non-compliant’ on issues such as occupational safety and health, child labour, forced labour, discrimination, worker compensation, contracts and freedom of association.

This downloadable resource  contains answers to the most frequently asked questions regarding public reporting.

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