Brands, retailers and intermediaries

Deepening partnerships with all actors, including global brands and retailers (and their intermediaries), is the only way to achieve systematic change in global supply chains.

While workers, employers and governments are critical pillars for change, brands and retailers contribute much to the success of the Better Work programme by helping to drive improvements among their suppliers, supporting efforts to tackle industry wide issues and addressing their own business practices.

Information for Brands, Retailers and Intermediaries

Strategic collaboration

Since 2007, Better Work has been working with more than 100 global brands and retailers – as well as intermediaries and sourcing agents – to ensure responsibility for improved working conditions is shared throughout supply chains.

The engagement with brands and retailers aims to:

  • Ensure responsible business conduct respectful of internationally recognised human and labour rights. The programme provides evidence of how responsible conduct affects factory compliance and supports partners to integrate responsible business conduct into their approaches.
  • Reduce duplication in factory level tools and approaches across the industry by advocating for a standards-based approach to monitoring of labour conditions.
  • Align the actions and initiatives of the private sector with the national constituents’ priorities for the attainment of decent work in supply chains.

Our Partners

Business Event Calendar

Event Date Location More Info
Better Work Partner Forum 20 Feb 2024 Paris, France Contact
Better Work Vendors Forum 8 May 2024 Seoul, Korea Contact
Better Factories Cambodia Business Forum 26-27 Jun 2024 Phnom Penh, Cambodia Contact
Better Work Asia Regional Partner Forum 4 September 2024 Hong Kong Contact
Better Work Indonesia Forum Oct 2024 TBC Contact
Better Work US Partner Forum 12 November 2024 Washington, D.C. Contact
*Information on other events to follow soon

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