Better Work Jordan: Newsletter Mid-Year Review 2016

26 Jul 2017

In its latest newsletter, Better Work Jordan reviews highlights of its activities during the first half of 2016.

In this issue:

♦ ILO Director-General Guy Ryder’s visit to Jordan

♦ His Majesty King Abdullah visits a garment factory in Madaba

♦ Better Work Director takes part in the signing of milestone document

♦ Buyers’ forum discusses challenges and opportunities in light of the Syrian refugee crisis

♦ ILO compliance synthesis report

♦ Collective Bargaining Agreement translated into ten languages

♦ 2015 Better Work Jordan factory survey shows renewed satisfaction

♦ Better Work Jordan campaigns for the implementation of crèches

♦ IFC: Lessons learned from the Better Work programme, including videos

♦ Pre-departure training hailed as a success by stakeholders

♦ Better Work Jordan staff take part in Nike training

♦ News breakdown from the sector


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