Arxivlar: Voqealar

2465 results found

2019 yil 18 yanvar

Sertifikatlangan kimyo xodimlarini tayyorlash (Petugas K3 Kimia)

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Certified Chemical Officer Training (Petugas K3 Kimia) Add the description of your event here![/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_empty_space][vc_text_separator title=”Read more” color=”custom” accent_color=”#c24724″][portfolio_carousel visible_items=”3″ total_items=”-1″ carousel_speed=”7000″ auto_rotate=”no” category=”resources” orderby=”rand” animation=”bottom-to-top”][/vc_column][/vc_row]

2019 yil 18 yanvar

Sertifikatlangan kimyo xodimlarini tayyorlash (Petugas K3 Kimia)

Sertifikatlangan kimyo xodimlarini tayyorlash (Petugas K3 Kimia)

2018 yil 23 oktyabr

Mehnatni muhofaza qilish va xavfsizlik bo'yicha trening

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Introduction Good OSH is good for business. This course builds awareness of OSH as an integral part of factory management. Focusing on a preventative approach to OSH including risk mapping, it guides participants to spot hazards, meet national and international standards and understand the role of the OSH committee. Click here to download a course outline …

2018 yil 23 oktyabr

Mehnatni muhofaza qilish va xavfsizlik bo'yicha trening

Mehnatni muhofaza qilish va xavfsizlik bo'yicha trening

2019 yil 18 yanvar

HURMAT (jinsiy zo'ravonlikning oldini olish) ToT

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]RESPECT (Sexual Harassement Prevention) ToT Add the description of your event here![/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_empty_space][vc_text_separator title=”Read more” color=”custom” accent_color=”#c24724″][portfolio_carousel visible_items=”3″ total_items=”-1″ carousel_speed=”7000″ auto_rotate=”no” category=”resources” orderby=”rand” animation=”bottom-to-top”][/vc_column][/vc_row]

2019 yil 18 yanvar

HURMAT (jinsiy zo'ravonlikning oldini olish) ToT

HURMAT (jinsiy zo'ravonlikning oldini olish) ToT

2019 yil 17 fevral

Baxtsiz hodisalarni tekshirish va favqulodda vaziyatlarga tayyorgarlik

Baxtsiz hodisalarni tekshirish va favqulodda vaziyatlarga tayyorgarlik

22 yanvar 2019 yil

Kimyoviy menejment bo'yicha trening

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Introduction The safety precaution of workers against chemical hazards is an essential part of a well-run factory and a healthy work force. This training introduces the safe use of chemicals ensuring factories mitigate the risks associated with chemicals in garment factories. Click here to download a course outline For more information and registration, please contact:Ms. …

1 99 100 101 102 103 274

Bizning xabarnomamizga obuna bo'ling

Doimiy axborot byulletenimizga obuna bo'lish orqali so'nggi yangiliklarimiz va nashrlarimizdan xabardor bo'ling.