Better Work – Xalqaro mehnat tashkiloti (XMT) va Jahon banki guruhiga kiruvchi Xalqaro moliya korporatsiyasi (IFC) o‘rtasidagi hamkorlik – mehnat sharoitlari va mehnatga hurmatni yaxshilash maqsadida tikuvchilik sanoatining barcha darajalarini birlashtirgan keng qamrovli dasturdir. ishchilar huquqlari va tikuvchilik korxonalarining raqobatbardoshligini oshirish. Hozirda dastur 13 mamlakatda 3 milliondan ortiq ishchi ishlaydigan 2000 ga yaqin zavodlarda faol ishlamoqda.
Better Work zavodlarga maslahat berish bilan bir qatorda mehnat qonunchiligini yaxshilash uchun davlat idoralari va ko'p millatli xaridorlar bilan hamkorlikni ta'minlash va barqaror muvofiqlikni qo'llab-quvvatlash uchun hamkorlik qiladi. Shuningdek, u kasaba uyushmalari va ish beruvchilar vakillariga ishchilarga o'z hayotida muhimroq fikr bildirish bo'yicha maslahat beradi va kengroq rivojlanish maqsadlariga erishish uchun donorlar bilan hamkorlik qiladi. Better Work’s vision – bu munosib ish bilan ta’minlash, ayollarning imkoniyatlarini kengaytirish, biznes raqobatbardoshligini oshirish va inklyuziv iqtisodiy o‘sishni rag‘batlantirish orqali millionlab odamlarni qashshoqlikdan qutqaradigan global tikuvchilik sanoatidir.
A core goal of Better Work’s global strategy is to promote sustainable mechanisms for compliance that go far beyond Better Work’s scope and role. Sound industrial relations at enterprise, sectoral and national levels and throughout global supply chains are central to meeting this objective. Better Work will contribute to the broader ILO’s aim to advance social justice through the realization of freedom of association and effective recognition of collective bargaining as enabling rights and the promotion of inclusive and effective social dialogue for human-centred development. Better Work envisions global supply chains where workers’ fundamental rights to freedom of association and collective bargaining are respected and where social dialogue takes place at factory, sectoral, national and global levels supported by mature industrial relations, enabling the promotion of decent work.
Key to Better Work’s approach is engaging with factories, specifically management and workers’ representatives, to ensure compliance with international labour standards and national laws, and make improvements to the systems for ensuring decent work and competitive business. Strengthening industrial relations at the workplace is essential in order to achieve this. Better Work’s current factory engagement model promotes a system of assessment (identifying areas for improvement), advisory services (coaching to factory management and workers’ representatives) and training (capacity building to ensure increased ownership and skills). This model has seen successful outcomes, however requires a BW Programme in country in order to be delivered. Better Work is looking to explore models which allow for the delivery of key components of BW’s approach without necessarily having a full-scale programme in country. This project aims to develop an intervention focused specifically on improving industrial relations which can be delivered to factories in both BW and non-BW countries, using a tailored approach. It could be delivered by BW staff or others that could be trained on the methodology. As such, the final products of this assignment are meant to be provided in a format that allows to train others on them.
Better Work seeks to contract a consultant to develop a thematic factory level intervention on industrial relations with potential linkages to more sectoral intervention opportunities. Better Work proposes a holistic intervention aimed at progressively improving the industrial relations (relations between workers and employer) in factories through a combination of guided diagnosis (identifying areas for improvement), support to improve management systems and training. Better Work’s IR Improvement Programme should build on Better Work’s experiences across thirteen country programmes and the research which shows the importance of workplace cooperation to increased compliance and business outcomes. The programme is aimed to be delivered in factories that are either not currently enrolled in the BW programme or are wanting a more of a specific intervention on industrial relations. As such this intervention provides a thematic version of delivery, based on BW’s full methodology and tools of factory engagement services. At the same time, the consultant is tasked to suggest ideas for how the intervention could be used more broadly beyond the factory floor. This could mean training national tripartite constituents on the methodology, for example representatives of employer or worker organisations, or thinking about other linkages to sectoral needs using the final products beyond single factory interventions.
An initial outline of the programme has been drafted, as well as the framework for the guided diagnosis. The consultant will be responsible for expanding the existing work to develop a full-fledged programme and tools which can be piloted by Better Work in 2025.
Maslahatchi kutiladi:
It is envisioned that the consultant will:
The expected timeline of the work is from February 2025 to May 2025.
Quyidagi natijalar to'plami (tegishli taxminiy vaqt jadvali bilan) shartnoma tuzilgan tadqiqotchi(lar)ning ishiga rahbarlik qilishi kutilmoqda:
Yetkazib berish mumkin | Kunlar soni | Kutilayotgan tugatish sanasi |
Review existing materials and framework with BW team | (2) days | |
Detailed programme framework and outline, and preparation of introductory materials. | (2) days | |
Finalized guided diagnostic tool | (2) days | |
Guideline on response packages based on outcomes of diagnosis | (4) days | |
Workshop framework and action planning template for factories | (1) days | |
Review, feedback and revisions (2 rounds) | (2) days | |
Final materials delivered and summary report with suggestions on the use of the materials beyond single enterprises | (2) days | |
15 kun |
Shartnoma tuzgan tadqiqotchi(lar)ga aniqlanishi kerak bo'lgan natijalar qoniqarli bajarilgandan so'ng va imzolangan schyot-fakturalar olinganidan keyin to'lanadi. To'lovning taxminiy jadvali quyida keltirilgan:
To'lov | Condition |
60% of the contract | Upon completion of deliverable five (submission of first drafts) |
40% of the contract | Upon completion of final deliverables |
All applicants must send their technical and financial proposals to The deadline to submit your application is 25 January 2025 at midnight (CET). Only selected applicants will be contacted for an interview.