Better Work Jordan: Worker and Manager Survey Results

18 Jun 2020

Over the course of a month from mid-December 2019 to mid-January 2020, Better Work Jordan collected survey responses from a representative sample of nearly 1,700 workers in Better Work Jordan participating factories on issues related to working conditions, stakeholder awareness, and personal life. At the same time, the program captured the opinions of managers from 71 of the total of 81 participating factories. This data collection represented the second round in an ongoing data collection effort from June 2019 and builds on past impact assessment research.

This policy brief highlights some of the data and insights gathered from workers and managers and builds on the information presented in the Worker Voice Survey Results policy brief from November 2019. The main focus of the policy brief remains the same: understanding the role and engagement of national stakeholders in the garment industry from the perspective of workers. In particular, this brief focuses on the Ministry of Labour (MoL) and the single trade union for the sector, the General Trade Union of Workers in Textile, Garment and Clothing Industries and their representatives at the factory level. The second round of data collection allows us to go deeper on this topic as some new questions were added and because it includes insights from managers which were incomplete in the previous round. Additional insights gathered from the survey data can be found in Better Work Jordan’s Annual Report 2020, where they provide context for some of the key compliance data gathered from assessments in the last year.


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