Vietnam – Training on Occupational Safety and Health

Occupational Safety and Health (OSH)

Ensuring a safe workplace is critically important for all factories, not just to ensure compliance with national laws and international labour standards, but also to ensure workers are both safe and productive – for the benefit of both the workforce and the business.

This course is designed to offer important information and guidance on the current legal context for OSH, and its implications for garment and footwear factories; develop learners’ skills in root cause analysis for occupational safety and health issues, as well as their ability to implement preventative measures for key OSH hazards (e.g. worker protection, chemical handling, machinery use, and fire and electrical safety); facilitate practical learning and application of OSH management principles through industry-relevant case studies and good practices.

Target Participants are OSH teams, Management or staff with OSH responsibilities, Supervisors, Grassroots trade union members, PICC members (management and worker side)

Duration 2 days

Download our 2019 “Occupational Safety and Health” Course Outline

Event date :
Nov 5, 2019 - Nov 6, 2019
8:30 am - 16:30 pm
FactoriesTrainingVietnam Training

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