Financial Education Training of Trainers (ToTs)

In collaboration with the ILO Global Programme on Financial Education, Better Work Jordan has developed a training curriculum that will be used to extend financial education to workers in Jordan. It is based on a multiplication scheme through Training of Trainers (ToTs), followed by Training of Beneficiaries (ToBs). The ToT will be conducted under the mental health project in Arabic. Twenty trainers will be selected for the ToT. This training will be delivered by an ILO consultant.

The objective of this training is to address the mental health concerns caused by financial pressures and obligations faced by the workers, Better Work Jordan seeks to strengthen workers’ financial literacy to enable them to make informed financial decisions about earning, spending, budgeting, using financial services including loans, savings, insurance, payments, and money transfers; and ultimately contributing to positive and responsible workplaces and increased productivity.

Event date :
May 15, 2022 - May 19, 2022
0:00 am - 23:59 pm
Jordan TrainingTraining

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