Terms of Reference: Data, Monitoring & Evaluation, Research, and Learning / National Consultant


En las dos últimas décadas, la industria jordana de la confección ha crecido de forma constante y es ahora el principal sector exportador y empleador manufacturero del país. Como la mayoría de los demás países exportadores de ropa, Jordania entró en la cadena de valor mundial de la confección a través de vínculos internacionales con los mercados desarrollados. Esto comenzó con el acceso comercial preferencial al mercado de EE.UU., que llevó a los inversores extranjeros que producen prendas de vestir en nombre de marcas internacionales de ropa a establecer instalaciones de fabricación en Jordania con trabajadores en su mayoría migrantes.

Better Work Jordan (BWJ) es una asociación entre la Organización Internacional del Trabajo (OIT) y la Corporación Financiera Internacional (CFI). Este programa emblemático de la OIT reúne a partes interesadas de todos los niveles de la industria mundial de la confección para mejorar las condiciones de trabajo, fomentar el respeto de los derechos laborales e impulsar la competitividad.

El programa Better Work Jordan es obligatorio para las fábricas de confección que exportan a EE.UU. en virtud del Acuerdo de Libre Comercio entre EE.UU. y Jordania. Se calcula que Better Work Jordan cubre al 95% de los trabajadores de la confección de Jordania, ya que la inmensa mayoría del empleo del sector de la confección procede de fábricas que exportan a Estados Unidos. Como resultado de su participación en Better Work, las fábricas han mejorado constantemente el cumplimiento de las normas fundamentales del trabajo de la OIT y la legislación nacional en materia de remuneración, contratos, seguridad y salud en el trabajo y tiempo de trabajo. Esto ha mejorado significativamente las condiciones de trabajo y, al mismo tiempo, ha aumentado la productividad y la rentabilidad de las fábricas.

Dentro de la industria exportadora de prendas de vestir, hay tres tipos de fábricas. Las fábricas más grandes son las exportadoras directas que producen bienes directamente para los compradores. Estas fábricas se encuentran sobre todo en las principales zonas económicas de Dulayl, Irbid y Sahab. Por debajo de estas fábricas en la cadena de suministro se encuentran numerosas fábricas subcontratadas, fábricas más pequeñas que producen bienes para los exportadores directos por encargo. Paralelamente a este sistema se encuentran las unidades satélite, que operan fuera de las zonas industriales, emplean principalmente a jordanos y suelen ser pequeñas. Actualmente hay 24 fábricas satélite inscritas en el programa Better Work Jordan que emplean a más de 8.000 trabajadores jordanos

Around 77,800 workers were employed in the exporting garment sector in 2022. Migrant workers make up three-quarters of the workforce. These workers, primarily from South Asia, typically work in Jordan for a contract of two to three years, which can be extended. Bangladeshis are the largest group of workers (over 50 per cent of migrant workers), and there are also workers from India, Sri Lanka, Nepal, and Myanmar. Jordanian workers make up the remaining 25 per cent of the workforce. The majority of workers are women – nearly 75 per cent of the production work force – whereas the majority of management positions are held by men.

Better Work Jordan’s comprehensive approach to monitoring, evaluation, and research is integral to its success in driving sustainable improvements in the garment sector. BWJ’s M&E activities focus on systematically tracking factory compliance with international labour standards and national legislation, assessing the impact of interventions on working conditions, and identifying areas for further improvement. BWJ also conducts research to explore critical issues affecting the industry, such as workforce composition, wage structures, and worker wellbeing, and to evaluate the effectiveness of policies and programs. These efforts provide actionable insights that enhance program delivery, foster stakeholder engagement, and inform broader policy discussions and advocacy initiatives. The consultant’s role is pivotal in advancing these activities, ensuring the availability of high-quality data and analysis to support programmatic and sectoral development.


The consultant will play a key role in supporting the programme’s monitoring, evaluation, and research activities. This includes collecting, analysing, and reporting data to generate high-quality insights that inform program development, policy discussion and advocacy efforts. 

Alcance del trabajo

El consultor será responsable de lo siguiente

  • Collect primary data for various project components through surveys, interviews, focus group discussions, etc.
  • Compile, clean, validate and analyse incoming data using appropriate software tools (e.g., R).
  • Triangulate insights from collected data with existing monitoring data and evaluation findings (where relevant).
  • Ensure the program’s data-related workflows are documented and accessible for future use.
  • Maintain up-to-date documentation of analysis methods and coding frameworks on relevant platforms (e.g., GitHub).
  • Prepare summary statistics, draft reports and policy briefs based on findings, and deliver presentations to internal and external stakeholders.
  • Collaborate with Better Work programming and research team to enhance M&E frameworks and ensure data-driven insights inform program development.
  • Coordinate with external research partners, support fieldwork, and review research outputs.

Coordinate data requests and participate in Better Work research meetings to share findings.

Deliverables and timeline

Activity/ Deliverable# of daysPlazo
Deliverable 1/ Worker Survey – A
Provide logistical support for data collection for Better Work Jordan’s annual surveys (data will be collected by another consultant). Clean incoming data using R and export and share summary statistics internally (Cleaned database for 2025 round survey data and summary report )1531-Aug-2025
Deliverable 1/ Worker Survey – B
Prepare policy brief highlighting key survey findings from the annual surveys, with a focus on the newest round of data collection and comparing results over time and/or cycle. This includes:31-Oct-2025
Preparing and presenting Initial results for BWJ team for their feedback5
Draft Policy brief10
Final policy brief5
Deliverable 1/ Worker Survey – C
conduct further data analysis per BWJ Research Methodology, present finding and prepare needed reports1015-Nov-2025
Deliverable 2/ Annual Report
Contribute to the development and finalization of BWJ annual report2530-March-2025
Deliverable 3 / Support towards Technical Progress Report
Completion of Data Reporting Form (DRF) -April330-Apr-2025
Completion of Data Reporting Form (DRF) -October330-Oct-2025
Deliverable 4/ Coding update
Update Better Work Global Github account530-Nov-2025
Deliverable 5/ Coordination meetings and  further data requests
Progress report: Meetings with the global teams, global R&I meetings, and work to get the data for external researchers, and the data module5Continuous throughout the contract period with payment intervals as mentioned in the payment schedule.
Deliverable 6 / Support Activities  
Progress report: Coordinate with global research team on cross-country research projects and M&E activities5Continuous throughout the contract period with payment intervals as mentioned in the payment schedule.
Progress report: Coordinate with external research partners – propose projects, provide data, support with field work, and review research reports. Report on research progress internally and externally.10Continuous throughout the contract period with payment intervals as mentioned in the payment schedule.
Progress report: Compile Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) data for Better Work Jordan and formalize definitions and data collection methods as needed. Together with the Programming Team, plan, organize and coordinate monitoring and evaluation activities and ensure analysis of available data for programme development purposes.15Continuous throughout the contract period with payment intervals as mentioned in the payment schedule.


The consultant will report to the BWJ program manager and will work closely with the BWJ team. Technical backstopping and review of data-focused deliverables will be done by the Better Work Global research team.

Calendario de pagos

According to the market rate, the External Collaborator will be paid according to expertise and is asked to submit a financial offer detailing the daily rate. The consultant will only be paid upon satisfactory completion and approval of deliverables and upon receipt of signed invoices.

Pagos EntregableDías laborablesFecha prevista
1er pagoDeliverable 2/ Annual Report (25 Days)34 Dyas30 de marzo de 2025
Deliverable 5/ Coordination meetings and  further data requests  (1 Day)
Deliverable 6 / Support Activities, as follows:A (1 Day)B (3 Days)C (4 Days)
2nd  paymentDeliverable 3 / Support towards Technical Progress Report A. Completion of Data Reporting Form (DRF) -April (3 Days)1330 June 2025
Deliverable 5/ Coordination meetings and  further data requests  (2 Days)
Deliverable 6 / Support Activities, as follows:A (1 Day)B (3 Days)C (4 Days)
3rd  paymentDeliverable 1/ Worker Survey – A (30 Days)2031 August 2025
Deliverable 6 / Support Activities, as follows:A (2 Days)C (3 Days)
4th PaymentDeliverable 1/ Worker Survey – B (20 days)49 Days30 November 2025
Deliverable 1/ Worker Survey – C (10 Days)
Deliverable 3 / Support towards Technical Progress Report B. Completion of Data Reporting Form (DRF) -October (3 Days)
Deliverable 4/ Coding update (5 Days)
Deliverable 5/ Coordination meetings and  further data requests (2 Days)
Deliverable 6 / Support Activities, as follows:A (1 Day)B (4 Days)C (4 Days)


La Colaboración Externa firmará un contrato con la Organización Internacional del Trabajo que contendrá cláusulas de confidencialidad y no divulgación.  


El consultor debe poseer las siguientes cualificaciones:

  • University degree in Economics, Statistics, Social Sciences or related field.
  • Good familiarity with some of the policy issues related to Better Work, such as the following: corporate social responsibility and global supply chains; international trade, labour standards, labour markets in developing countries; personnel economics; industrial relations; and international development.
  • Relevant professional work experience in data management and analysis, monitoring and evaluation, and research methods (including impact evaluation).
  • Ability to use quantitative and qualitative research techniques, and related data analysis software such as R and Stata.
  • Probada labor de investigación y análisis con capacidad demostrada para preparar y presentar informes exhaustivos.
  • Excellent ability to draft concise, accessible documents presenting and/or summarizing research findings and their implication for policy and programme design.
  • Understanding of gender equality, gender mainstreaming and equal opportunity principles and approaches, including as related to research.
  • Excellent command of English.
  • Excellent report writing skills.

Cómo solicitarlo

Interested National Individual applicants wishing to apply to this assignment must send an email to jordan@betterwork.org  with the subject (MEL Consultant 2025).

 El correo electrónico incluirá lo siguiente

  1. Oferta técnica
    1. A proposal which at least consists of proposed approach and methodology
    1. Consultant profile and CV
    1. Descripción resumida y ejemplos del trabajo realizado en las anteriores tareas específicas y similares.
  2. Oferta financiera
    1. The financial offer – Daily rate.

The deadline for receiving applications is 25 December 2024.

Sólo se contactará con los candidatos preseleccionados.

Grade: N/A
Application deadline: 25 Dec 2024
Publication date: 11 Dec 2024
Departamento: Better Work Jordania
Organization Unit: Better Work Jordan
Contract type: Consultancy Contract
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