Guide to Jordanian Labour Law for the Garment Industry

29 Jul 2013

Better Work Jordan is a partnership program between the International Labour Organisation (ILO) and International Finance Corporation (IFC). The program began conducting assessment and advisory services in 2008. The purpose of this program is to promote competitiveness in Jordan’s garment industry by enhancing economic performance at the enterprise level and improving compliance with Jordanian labour law and international conventions on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work. The program has a Project Advisory Committee (PAC) including representatives from the government of Jordan as well as labour and employer organizations.

The Better Work program builds a mechanism for social dialogue and effective workplace cooperation as a basis for sustainable development. To achieve this, employers and employees must have full knowledge of their rights and responsibilities regulated by law. Therefore, the dissemination of information pertaining to labour legislation to relevant stakeholders is indispensable.

This guide was prepared by Better Work Jordan with the aim to provide basic information regarding Jordanian labour law in an easily-understandable way for different readers. We hope this publication will be an effective contribution for building social compliance, harmonious labour relations, friendly working environments, and offer benefits to enterprises as well as to society.


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