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How brands and retailers can get involved

We believe that deepening partnerships with all actors, including global brands and retailers (and their intermediaries), is the only way to reach systematic change in global supply chains. International global brands and retailers sourcing products from factories contribute much to the success of the Better Work programme by helping to drive improvements among their suppliers. Likewise, Better Work can give global brands and retailers a one-stop shop for progress in their supply chain conditions with a focus on broad, lasting changes.

Read more about our engagement with brands and retailers or contact us at

How factories can get involved

Better Work is dedicated to improving working conditions and business competitiveness in global apparel supply chains. In order to achieve this, the programme works to improve conditions in individual factories while also leveraging our learnings for policy change at both the national and international levels.

Factories can enrol directly with our country programmes in Bangladesh, Cambodia, Egypt, Ethiopia, Haiti, Indonesia, Jordan, Nicaragua, Pakistan and Vietnam. Our Factory Service Package is paid annually and includes advisory services, industry seminars and training courses and one assessment per cycle.

Learn more about our factory services or get in touch with our country programmes directly.


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