ريناتا دياس

تصوير مايكل لابالم

ريناتا دياس

الموارد البشرية ومساعد إداري

جنيف، سويسرا

Renata Dias performs and implements a variety of human resources activities for Geneva and country programmes. She takes responsibility for ensuring that the administrative and HR support functions of Better Work operate smoothly and effectively by monitoring performance appraisal reports, maintaining and updating confidential personnel files, participating in Better Work recruitment processes, and by arranging and helping coordinate staff development activities.

Prior to joining Better Work, she was a Human Resources Assistant for renowned recruitment agencies in Brazil and companies in the banking and oil  and gas sectors. She holds a bachelor’s degree in Psychology, focused on cognitive and behaviour science.

اشترك في نشرتنا الإخبارية

ابق على اطلاع بآخر أخبارنا ومنشوراتنا من خلال الاشتراك في النشرة الإخبارية العادية.