إنتيرا (إيندي) تيرانجكورا

تصوير مايكل لابالم

إنتيرا (إيندي) تيرانجكورا

موظف برامج

بانكوك، تايلاند

Inthira Tirangkura (Indie) is the Programme Officer with Better Work Global, based in Bangkok. She provides programming support, particularly in terms of budgeting and donor reporting, to Better Factories Cambodia , Better Work Indonesia  and Better Work Vietnam.

Indie started her career in the international development sector with the Department for International Development Southeast Asia (DFIDSEA) in 2005 and joined the UN system in 2007. She has extensive experience working with different UN agencies, such as UNDP Thailand, UNDP Asia Pacific Regional Centre, and the UN Women Asia and the Pacific Regional Office, and in different thematic areas, including environment, poverty reduction, south-south cooperation, gender equality and HIV/AIDS. Her expertise lies in programming management.

Indie holds a MSc. in Development Studies (with merit) from the University of Glasgow, UK, and a BA. (Hons) in Liberal Arts (English) from Thammasat University, Thailand.

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